Hi, I'm Adrianna!

I am a

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My Work

Project 1
Virtual Art Gallery

Discover a world of art with the Virtual Art Gallery, a digital platform showcasing diverse artworks via the Harvard Art Museums and Europeana Collections APIs. This project offers a personalized and educational art exploration experience, designed for enthusiasts and casual viewers alike.

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Project 2
Password Generator

This project delivers a streamlined password generator, enabling users to craft secure, custom passwords. With options to adjust length, include special characters, numerals, and mix case letters, it offers tailored security solutions.

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Project 3
Booktok Quiz

This web application presents a timed "BookTok" quiz, engaging users with JavaScript-powered questions on the vibrant TikTok community centered around books and literature.

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Project 4
Weather App

This web application offers a dynamic weather dashboard that allows users to search and view current conditions and a five-day forecast for cities worldwide. Built with JavaScript, it features local storage for easy access to search history and updates weather data in real time, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience.

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Project 5
Work Day Scheduler

The Work Day Scheduler is a simple, intuitive web application designed to help users efficiently plan and manage their workday.

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Project 6
Project Title 6

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Frontend Development

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • React.js
  • Grid
  • Flexbox

Backend Development

  • Node.js
  • APIs
  • Git
  • GitHub


  • UX/UI Design Principles
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • User Research
  • Interaction Design

About Me

Hi there! 💫 I'm Adrianna, the creative spirit transforming caffeine into code and visions into vibrant interfaces. As a front-end wizard with a deep-seated love for UX/UI design, I take joy in sculpting digital experiences that are as smooth and refreshing as a serene stroll through an art gallery. My heart beats for minimalist design where simplicity and functionality form the perfect duo. I'm all about those subtle touches that elevate the user experience from ordinary to extraordinary.

When I'm not weaving magic into my code, you can find me diving into the latest in design innovation, always on the hunt for ideas that stir my artistic soul. Whether it's a whisper of clean lines or the boldness of interactive elements, I'm on a perpetual quest to blend artistry with technology. So, let's embark on this journey together, celebrating the seamless, the intuitive, and the sheer delight of designs that resonate with the click of a connection.

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